Meters of liquid fuel series VZO are entered in the measuring register of Belarus and are approved for use. RUE "BelGIM" issues a certificate of approval measurements’ type № 6917 of 24.02.2012, valid for 6 years. The list of modifications of counters that are brought in the register of measuring tools according to the description of measuring tools’ type:


VZO 4 OEM-RE0,005

VZO 4 QMIN 0,5


VZO 4 V-RE0,01

VZO 4 V-RE0,1

VZO 4-RE0,00125

VZO 4-RE0,01

VZO 4-RE0,1


VZO 8 OEM-RE0,0125

VZO 8-RE0,00311

VZO 8-RE0,1




At the production’s release, import and also after repair and operation of measuring devices they are approved to type checking. Verification of measuring instruments is the set of actions performed to determine their accuracy. The purpose of verification - to find out whether the data measuring meet the regulated values and whether it is suitable for use for its intended purpose. By measuring devices check (verification) is understood the Authority of Metrological Service (or any other officially approved body, organization) to measure the suitability of the application on the basis of experimentally determined metrological characteristics and confirmation of their compliance with regulatory requirements.

Verification is carried out by trained specialists, certified as verificators of RUE "BelGIM." Verification is carried out in our test laboratory on a certified flow meter installation RUDT-0, 08 № 001. Metrological certification is confirmed with the installation certificate number 201-49A of the year 08.05.2011 issued by RUE "BelGIM."

Measurement results’ verification considered fit for use, formalized by the issuance of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus verification certificates, applying verification mark.

Verification is carried out according to the approved method of RUE "BelGIM" of checking liquid chamber counter series VZO.

Technically, the procedure of verification is a comparison of the numerical value of a physical quantity measured under verification measurement tool, with the value measured by the measuring means of higher precision - standard.

Gages of the approved types are subject to primary verification at release from production and repair, and also at import on an import. Each copy of a gage is subject to verification, as a rule. Gages can not be exposed to primary verification at import on an import on the basis of the signed international agreements on recognition of results of the verification which has been carried out in foreign countries.

Through certain intertesting intervals each copy of gages being in operation or stored is subject to periodic verification. The intertesting interval for counters of the VZO series is 12 months. The gages being on a long-term storage, periodic verification can not be exposed. The user should present a gage in actual fact reactivated, with the certificate on the last verification.

Extraordinary verification of gages is carried out in the course of their operation (storage) in the following cases:

• at damage of a verification mark;

• at loss of the certificate on verification;

• at commissioning after a long-term storage (more than one intertesting interval);

• at known or prospective shock influence or unsatisfactory work.


"PromAvtoKip" The manufacturer and the official representative of AQUAMETRO OIL & MARINE AG

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